Locomotive embarking on another journey
Source: Stuff
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The Ōhinemutu Kapa Haka group’s new performance-enhancing poi, guitars and costumes were made possible by a $5,000 grant from One Foundation.
Ōhinemutu Kapa Haka Incorporated believe strongly in the power of Māori Performing Arts in engaging and uniting the local community for a common purpose: to celebrate, perpetuate and empower the whānau, hapū and iwi of Ōhinemutu.
The costumes, poi and guitars funded by One Foundation were worn by the Ōhinemutu Kapa Haka group for the first time at the Te Arawa Regional Kapa Haka Competition in 2018. The Festival is an important community event, providing an opportunity for more than 20 local kapa haka groups to showcase their skill and expertise in both contemporary and traditonal forms of this performance art, and vie for the honour of representing their region at the Te Arawa at Te Matatini National Kapahaka Festival 2019 in Wellington.
Although their team didn’t make the nationals, the Ōhinemutu Kapa Haka group’s performing confidence received an enormous boost. A big factor in this was that they were able to take the stage with greater pride, wearing high-quality costumes and using poi and guitars that brought out the best in their performance. The group is highy motivated and inspired to continue honing their skills and to take on the challenge again next year.